Tagged: Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 Selling for Only $30 on Amazon

Compared to $60? Definitively sharing: This goes for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC (with optional download) Mass Effect 3 selling for only $30 Amazon Link Facebook Post: http://www.facebook.com/masseffect2/posts/371355076241184

Mass Effect 3 Datapad App is Free

Bioware simply loves to do all it can to promote one of my favorite games in the market. Mass Effect 3 is again doing something what many people may call unique. Usually while playing ME3, we...

New Mass Effect 3 Trailer Released

Yesterday Bioware released a new Mass Effect 3 trailer titled “Mass Effect 3: Reinstated (FemShep Trailer)”. This trailer is in perspective of the female heroine, FemShep, which comes from “female Shepard”, on the fight against...

More Mass Effect 3 Footage Revealed

GameTrailers went to the Bioware Headquarters and did an interview, gathering a decent amount of  information on the much-anticipated upcoming game: Mass Effect 3. They also included some side information on other games, such as the...

Mass Effect 3 Beta Leaked on Xbox 360

Tony over at iGetsLucky got a leaked copy of Mass Effect 3 on the Xbox 360 late last night. Check out the gameplay footage below. Updated Video below: Let us know what you think...